Broadlink RM mini

Broadlink RM mini

If you have a TV, air conditioning, music system, dvd player that do not have wifi and you want to manage them remotely, this is the best device.

The broadlink mini accepts wifi commands from your mobile or home assistant and this sends the signal to your device in an infrared way, just like the classic remote control.

It is small in size, only needs 5v power, you can use a classic mobile charger with microUSB cable.
Like the classic remote control needs to have visual contact with the device, it can cover a small room or a small office.

It has the most commands for all known brands but you can learn it with commands from your already remote control. In my own installation I use it to check two air conditioners that do not have wifi.

To implement it and control an air conditioner, I use the broadlink platform that already exists in the home assistant and an additional platform, smartir.

To get started, you’ll need to connect your device to the WiFi network first, you can use the mobile app, Intelligent Home Center For EU, and then you’ll need to have the ip and mac address.

Then add to home assistant to the switch.yaml file

  - platform: broadlink
    host: #<- your ip
    mac: '78:00:77:00:61:D6' #<- your MAC
    type:  rm_mini
    timeout: 15
    friendly_name: 'Main Room'

Next, you need to install the smartir add-on in the config / custom_components / folder. You just need to copy and paste the files you find here.

<config directory>/
|-- custom_components/
|   |-- smartir/
|       |--
|       |--
|       |--
|       |--
|       |-- etc...

Finally, restart home assistant and then add to the following to configuration.yaml and climate.yaml files


  update_branch: rc


  - platform: smartir
    name: AC Main Room
    unique_id: main_ac
    device_code: 1285 #
    controller_data: #<-the ip of broadlink
    temperature_sensor: sensor.temperature_xxxxxxxxxx #<-your temp sensor
    humidity_sensor: sensor.humidity_xxxxxxxxx #<-your humi sensor
    power_sensor: binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_xxxxxxxxxxx

Broadlink can send the command to the air conditioner infrared, but it cannot receive a command, for example if someone opens the air conditioner from the classic controller, the broadlink will not be aware of it.

Αs you can see above the smartir add-on has a parameter, power_sensor :, in which I put the window sensor, as I described in another article, in this way when the air conditioner is turned-on in the traditional way, from the remote control, then the home assistant knows that this turned-on or turned-off.

See here the complete manual for climate smartir plugin.

You can use broadlink and without the smartIR Plugin, you can make, as in the example below, a switch that will turn off and turn on the TV and a second switch to control the air-condition.


  - platform: broadlink
    mac: '78:00:77:00:61:D4'
    type:  rm_mini
    timeout: 15
    friendly_name: 'Main Room'
        friendly_name: "AC Main Room"
        friendly_name: "TV Main Room"

Broadlink can read a command from the classic remote control with the service of home assistant, broadlink.learn, which you will find in developer tools.

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